Lincoln T. James former stock broker and investment adviser. Voracious reader with interests in, and a focus on; investing, risk analysis, equities markets, retirement planning, 401k and IRAs, behavioral finance, and economics. When not reading you can find him golfing, sport fishing or tending to the gardens.

I really appreciate you reading my Blog!

~ LJ

About Lincoln T. James

I have always had a head for numbers, even as a small child. Math was my favorite subject because it made sense and came easily. I believe that tendency led me down a path to the world of finance.

As a young man before I even finished school I was keenly aware of the need to plan for the future. I am not really sure where my deep sense of financial responsibility came from except to say that I had seen first hand the devastation and hardship lack of financial planning or fiscal responsibility had caused some of my parent’s friends and their families. And, more importantly, I had seen the “comfortable” life others were enjoying based on their more responsible or reasonable financial decisions.

lincoln-bestwayMy parent’s sole advice for retirement planning was “get a job with a pension” because that was all they knew. Easier said than done. I could see they were going to be no help in this area. They had no experience with the financial markets and had none of the answers I was seeking. School was equally unhelpful as they never even taught these kinds of subjects back then.

When faced with a problem and no solution readily available I did what I always did, I went to the library and started reading. We didn’t have the Internet or Google. We had books at the library. Luckily, the greatest minds in the world of finance had committed their thoughts, strategies and insights to paper. That was the start of my journey.

As the years progressed and I entered the workforce certain things became apparent. Pension funds were disappearing and defined contribution plans were the new norm for retirement plans in America. Corporate America had figured out a way to pass the burden of retirement to the worker. Surprise, Surprise! Corporate profits shot through the roof and the worker got screwed.

Before long it became apparent that simply contributing to my retirement account, while important, was not going to garner me the result I was seeking. I needed to maximize my returns and minimize my losses. I had to figure a way to invest my hard earned money to finance what hopefully would be a long and comfortable retirement. I was unwilling to live a miser’s life to achieve my goals. Little did I realize that my desire for maximum returns and minimal losses in my personal retirement accounts would become a decade’s long journey sifting through the deceitful, duplicitous, smoke and mirrors world of Wall Street.

That brings us to today. While I considered starting an investment firm that managed other people’s money, in my heart of hearts, I knew that was not who I wanted to be. My experiences as a broker had exposed me to an unsavory world of which I wanted no part. I prefer to help as many of my average fellow Americans as possible who are in charge of their own retirement with virtually no honest help available. I even wrote a book to that end filled with investment strategies useful for the self directed investor who chooses to take charge of their own retirement accounts. You can download a free copy of that book here.

While I still believe that my book’s investment strategies are valid and valuable, my continued work in the field of finance has helped me to develop my own proprietary algorithm which I now exclusively use to trade my own retirement accounts.

Utilizing my algorithm allows me to maximize the returns in my account and sleep peacefully with my investment decisions. The beauty of the algorithm is that it allows me to make monthly adjustments to my retirement accounts without the need of daily oversight.

While the average investor may seek to trade their own accounts and maximize their returns, they unfortunately lack the body of knowledge required to successfully do so. Not to mention investing can be an incredibly overwhelming, daunting and highly emotional activity. Lots of folks would rather suffer through a root canal without the benefit of anesthesia than make an investment decision. Many feel adrift in a sea of information, stymied by the paralysis of analysis and unable to act based on conflicting information and advice. In addition, most people have incredibly full and busy lives with commitments to their family, their careers and their employers. They don’t have the time, nor the desire, to learn or develop the necessary skill set.

In reality people simply want to be told what, and when, to buy and sell.

In my desire to help the average investor achieve their retirement investment goals I have decided to give you access to my personal trades.

I offer a membership where I tell you exactly what I will be doing, before I do it. This is different from what you would get from an advisor or a broker. (Ask your broker if he owns what he is recommending to you. I would doubt it.) Remember he has a mortgage, a car payment and kids in private school. He is motivated to “sell” you products that put money in his pocket. Someone is paying for that pretty office he sits in.

I have “skin in the game.” I am giving you access to my trades. I tell you what I buy, and I tell you what I sell, and when. If this over the shoulder “together” approach makes sense to you then click here.

I would hope that my approach would be enough to reassure you of the value of my information (as I am eating my own cooking) but since I am really trying to help you, I will go one step further and provide a 100 % money back guarantee for the current period of your subscription cycle membership fee. Period. No questions asked. If you don’t like what I provide just ask for a refund. It doesn’t get any easier. If you want trustworthy, actionable, investment help, click here now.